Internet of things

This blog is about things or the internet or things of the internet or maybe the internet of things. It will be the random musings of four MSIT grad students trying to navigate the world of the internet and how thigs interact. Wikipedia defines The Internet of Things (IoT) "as a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect and exchange data,creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions."

What exactly that means will be examined in a series of blog posts by these 4 students. We will discuss and analyze and disect what this truely means.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Internet of Things (Social Network 2)

           As we continue this blog on the internet of things, I would like to reference my previous blog before we get started. In my previous blog we discussed the pros Social networks. As we concluded I mentioned there would be a part two, and in part two we would discuss the cons of Social networks. With great pleasure I say that time is now. So, lets get started with a few downsides to social networks.
          One big con in my opinion on social networks is privacy issues. We are normally required to give some personal information when creating accounts. Information like Address, phone number, birthday etc. While doing some research I read an article from This article was published in 2016 however, it speaks volumes in stating there was a 57% increase in identity theft via social networks in the UK alone. This has been considered a crime of opportunity due to the growing privacy issues. There are numerous reasons for this issue but one reason that stands out is the amount of information the social networks request and the additional information we provide. For example, I know a lot of users who tag their location when out and post documents like receipts on social networks. So, with all that information being given out I hope you can see why it’s a crime of opportunity.
          Another big con would be cyber bullying. While some may think its nothing compared to physical bullying, they would be wrong. Cyber bullying has clearly become a new age form of bullying created in large part by social networks. This gives individuals an outlet to bring other people down without revealing themselves at times or with the support of other followers due to popularity. This has been a constant topic when it comes to social networks. They have created hotlines, websites, etc. to help prevent or assist with cyber bullying incidents. If my words aren’t enough, try taking a look at this snapshot.
Cyber bullying/Victimization

This is a snapshot of statistics from 2016 taken by cyber bullying research center. In this study they polled 5,700 students age range 12-17 yrs old in middle or high school of whom almost all reported some sort of cyber bullying/victimization incident. This sample should give you an idea of just how big of a deal this issue is. Not to mention the long term effects it has on the kids involved. So just be mindful to not type things you wouldn’t feel comfortable saying in person. That’s a start but where it ends is a topic for another day.

The purpose of this blog was to shed some light on a couple of cons of social networking. Its so many more cons to discuss but these were two big cons that I had time to cover during this blog. However, feel free to list other cons in the comment section that you may feel strongly about there is no right or wrong response. I would like to thank you for taking the time to read the blog hope you enjoyed and took something from it. Until next time!

Patchin, J. W. & Hinduja, S. (forthcoming). Digital Self-Harm Among Adolescents. Forthcoming in the Journal of Adolescent Health.
Get Safe Online Team

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