Internet of things

This blog is about things or the internet or things of the internet or maybe the internet of things. It will be the random musings of four MSIT grad students trying to navigate the world of the internet and how thigs interact. Wikipedia defines The Internet of Things (IoT) "as a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect and exchange data,creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions."

What exactly that means will be examined in a series of blog posts by these 4 students. We will discuss and analyze and disect what this truely means.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Internet of things (Social Network)

     As we continue down this seemingly endless road. I would like to stop the timeline for a second to discuss where we are today in reference to social networks. I am very aware that there are arguments for both sides rather its good or bad. However, for the sake of simplicity for now lets just focus on the pros of social networking. I will start by giving a couple of my considerations of pros, then I will add supporting content and images throughout. 

    One pro that I think most will agree on is the connections you can make and keep. Social networks have helped remarkably with keeping in touch whether its close proximity or long distance. While some may find it difficult to find time to call or spend hours texting. This platform has made it so simple to interact with everyone at once. By simply posting a message everyone in your network gets to share the moment and interact with you. Here are a few statistics to give you a better idea. The number of world wide users of social networks is expected to reach 3.02 billion monthly active users by 2021(Statista social media statistics and facts, 2018). This same article stated that here in the U.S we have the highest penetration rates of social networks. In this case 81% of the U.S population has a social networking profile. I hope that data help shed some light on this growing phenomenon as a way of communication.

Social Network Growth 
     Another pro of social network is the information exchange. This ties into its large number of users, as does just about everything. As for information exchange I consider it to be "word of mouth on steroids" for lack of better terms. Do to social media you can now spread messages to the mass within seconds. It's a great platform for marketing and helping to spread helpful information. If you don't want to believe me here's some statistics "social advertising worldwide are forecast to grow from around 32 billion dollars in 2017 to approximately 48 billion dollars in 2021". (Statista social media marketing statistics and facts). Those numbers should give you an idea of just how big this market is and possibly can be. 

     Those are just a couple of pros I wanted to touch on. They are two of the big pros of social network, but as we all know there are so many more. I hope after reading this blog you realize how big social networks are becoming. Furthermore, I hope you start to think of ways to explore the pros for yourself. As for next time we will dig in to a few cons of social network.

sources: Shaulova, E., Biagi, L., & Ito, U. (n.d.). • Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies. Retrieved from

Brandon Richardson


  1. I recently realized how much time (and how frequently ) I spend checking social media, specifically Facebook (I'm old). It's a powerful tool that can consume too much of your life if you allow it. For that reason, I'm trying to consciously step back from it.
    Like everyone, I use it to keep in touch with friends and make new ones. I'm a naturally curious person, so I like to stay up on things and have a current, overall view of my world. But along with that comes things I don't want to see, such as the political arguments or petty bickering or drama.
    So I try to peruse it, and use it to promote my band (The Loons) and some of the fundraisers I'm involved with each year.

  2. I agree! I find myself in a rabbit hole after clicking one thing after another just out of curiosity. Its a great source of news and current info as well as connections. However, as you said you will come across a lot of things you may not want to see as well. My message to myself is control social media don't let it control you.

    Thanks for the comment.

  3. I still use social media quite a bit, but one thing i limit postings of... personal and i identifiable material about me. I will post stuff about my photographs, things i fixed, my wife and son sometimes, but never anything personal.

  4. I think its remarkable how social media really is here to stay. I was in high school when social media was blowing up the scene and I thought for sure it was just be a fad that would last a couple of years. I never expected it to turn out to be what it is today.

    Also, it's interesting to see people's lives continue to grow even if they are not directly a part of yours anymore. Going back to high school, I think its cool to see the people I once knew growing up, some having children and an families of their own, some struggling to get by.

    1. Not sure why its saying Unknown.
      This is Micheal Schantz.

  5. Social Media is prominent in our lives today. The question is, is too much social media bad for us? Spending too long on social networking sites could be adversely affecting your mood. In fact, you’re more likely to report poor mental health, including symptoms of anxiety and depression. When we subject ourselves to information overload, our brains actually adapt to it — by learning to expect that kind of constant stimulation. That’s why when you step away from the Internet, life feels so slow and boring. This phenomenon is called novelty addiction. Technology can worsen depression. With technology in our lives all the time, we should be more aware of technology's potential impact on us. Post by Angela Ciucci
