Internet of things

This blog is about things or the internet or things of the internet or maybe the internet of things. It will be the random musings of four MSIT grad students trying to navigate the world of the internet and how thigs interact. Wikipedia defines The Internet of Things (IoT) "as a network of physical devices, vehicles, home appliances, and other items embedded with electronics, software, sensors, actuators, and connectivity which enables these things to connect and exchange data,creating opportunities for more direct integration of the physical world into computer-based systems, resulting in efficiency improvements, economic benefits, and reduced human exertions."

What exactly that means will be examined in a series of blog posts by these 4 students. We will discuss and analyze and disect what this truely means.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Internet of things - the Pros

While we established the history of the internet of things and some of the security issues and how it purveys the social networks.  On this post I am going to focus on how it can benefit us in the future.  How it can make life more seamless and automated.  How it can make energy saving choices and remind us when things need to be taken care of.  

First let's establish how we can have so many connections in this world.  Just like you and I have a physical address, a command for a “thing” must also have an address to deliver this message.   Each connection object thing or device must have an IPv6 unique address.  An IPv6 address is the next step to connecting everything and is the new internet protocol as of 14 july 2017.  However IPv4 is still being used regularly.  You might be familiar with it on your internet browser or when you hooked up your Wi-fi on your home computer.  Private home networks are usually  It is the space allocated on all address for you to use.  The problem with IPv4 is the lack of address to handle the IoT in the future.  With a projected 25 billion connections by 2030, the mere 4.3 billion connections of IPv4 will just not suffice.  IPv6 will contain 2 to the 128th power or 340,282,366,920,938,463,463,374,607,431,768,211,456 unique addresses.   Or we can call it 3.4 Dudecillion, or even 340 billion billion.  I realize I am trying to quantify a very large number that for most,  is probably not quantifiable.  The point is, it will allow each person in the world with 34,028,236,692,093,846,346,337,460,743 unique connections.  Essentially limitless.  The big questions is, why does all this matter? 

Well the whole purpose of the IoT, (internet of things) as most industries see it, is a relatively limitless ability to connect all devices to receive and send data, information or commands.  To get a first glimpse of how this will make a difference first take a look at a European Union video about the internet of things and how they look at it.   From something as simple as a smart watch that Shyir talked about, to an electrical company monitoring every single home and every single transformer and wire from generation to home.  IoT is developing for the sole purpose of data generation for a whole slew of possibilities.  

In the case of industry, a company like Boeing could say monitor every single plane and every singe engine it has ever made.   By knowing what normal parameters specific engines should be running, Boeing can notify users of a potential problem before it causes a catastrophic failure.  They can also use data from failures to identify other potential dangers in engines they did not know would be a problem.  With all this data they can make better design decisions with future engines and products.    This is an example industrial internet of things and here is a video of it.

Another instance is Health care.  A scenario in the following video shows a pedestrian that is hit by a car.  The car automatically stops but not quite in time.  The car automatically calls emergency services, because the car knows exactly how fast it was going and the potential impact on the person.  It sends the real-time date to an ambulance that instantly decides on the best possible car to treat these injuries based on the inventory and personnel in the car.  The driver instantly gets a heads up in the car notifying the driver and the passenger where the accident occurred, and routing directions to the exact location.  The passenger gets real-time heads up display information at the same time the local hospital is notified of the potential injuries to the pedestrian, even notifying loved ones when where and status updates.  This is how the internet of things will make life more streamlined 
Now if you can imagine Agriculture, farming, retail, Logistics, even finding a parking spot before you get there is all possible in the future of IoT.  

The image below is a perfect example of seed to consumer connectivity of any food you can imagine.  Sensors help framers maximize production and inform storage and transportation facilities when to be ready for the incoming crops.   Retail stores can get information about consumer consumption and decide when to order more.  Even transportation can utilize this usage data and predict when the optimum time to deliver will maximize profit and ensure timely deliveries. 

There are countless “things” I can use as examples with IoT, but I think you are starting to get the idea if you just put your mind to it, you will realize how information will help everything communicate and predict in the future.   

Charts, U. (2018). Understanding IP Addressing and CIDR Charts. [online] RIPE Network Coordination Centre. Available at: [Accessed 28 Oct. 2018].

Comission, European Union. (2018). Internet of Things Europe - The movie: Imagine everything was linked.... [online] YouTube. Available at: [Accessed 28 Oct. 2018].

Lloyd, E., Lemke, M., & Atlantic BT. (2018, September 19). 3 Threats and 3 Benefits of the Internet of Things. Retrieved October 28, 2018, from

Internet Society. (2018). RFC 8200 - IPv6 has been standardized | Internet Society. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Oct. 2018].

John Wardigo

Monday, October 22, 2018

Internet of things (Social Network)

     As we continue down this seemingly endless road. I would like to stop the timeline for a second to discuss where we are today in reference to social networks. I am very aware that there are arguments for both sides rather its good or bad. However, for the sake of simplicity for now lets just focus on the pros of social networking. I will start by giving a couple of my considerations of pros, then I will add supporting content and images throughout. 

    One pro that I think most will agree on is the connections you can make and keep. Social networks have helped remarkably with keeping in touch whether its close proximity or long distance. While some may find it difficult to find time to call or spend hours texting. This platform has made it so simple to interact with everyone at once. By simply posting a message everyone in your network gets to share the moment and interact with you. Here are a few statistics to give you a better idea. The number of world wide users of social networks is expected to reach 3.02 billion monthly active users by 2021(Statista social media statistics and facts, 2018). This same article stated that here in the U.S we have the highest penetration rates of social networks. In this case 81% of the U.S population has a social networking profile. I hope that data help shed some light on this growing phenomenon as a way of communication.

Social Network Growth 
     Another pro of social network is the information exchange. This ties into its large number of users, as does just about everything. As for information exchange I consider it to be "word of mouth on steroids" for lack of better terms. Do to social media you can now spread messages to the mass within seconds. It's a great platform for marketing and helping to spread helpful information. If you don't want to believe me here's some statistics "social advertising worldwide are forecast to grow from around 32 billion dollars in 2017 to approximately 48 billion dollars in 2021". (Statista social media marketing statistics and facts). Those numbers should give you an idea of just how big this market is and possibly can be. 

     Those are just a couple of pros I wanted to touch on. They are two of the big pros of social network, but as we all know there are so many more. I hope after reading this blog you realize how big social networks are becoming. Furthermore, I hope you start to think of ways to explore the pros for yourself. As for next time we will dig in to a few cons of social network.

sources: Shaulova, E., Biagi, L., & Ito, U. (n.d.). • Statista - The Statistics Portal for Market Data, Market Research and Market Studies. Retrieved from

Brandon Richardson

Friday, October 19, 2018

The Internet of Things and The Future...

The internet of things truly is as fascinating, as it is terrifying! The internet of things (IoT) is centered around the premise that anything that has an on or off switch that can, or is currently, connected to the internet or another device is considered to be within the realm of IoT. Think for just a moment how many devices you have simply within your home that are connected to the internet?...Now take that number and imagine how many more things are connected to the internet outside your home? How many more people their are in the world with multiple devices, how many machines are connected to the internet for manufacturing and other industries? Once you've imagines all this, believe it or not, you have still only barely scratched the service of the potential of IoT. According to the analyst firm Garter, "by 2020 there will be over 26 billion connected devices," with some estimates being closer to the 100 billion mark (Morgan, J.2017). As with anything, demand creates supply and supply create a market of very rich people! For example, the CEO of Cisco's stated that, "there will be 50 billion devices online within five years, with a total market worth $19 trillion (all currency in U.S. dollars)"(Scott, A. 2017).
Amazing concept, right? The idea that everything in your house can be connected sounds so futuristic. The very real possibility that you have a fridge that recognizes you are low on milk and automatically orders you more. Perhaps you find yourself stuck in traffic and your car informs your boss that you will be expected to arrive at certain time on your behalf. Thats not cool enough for you? How about smart contact lenses that allow you to take photos and store data with the blink of an eye? Don't believe me...check it out Smart Contact Lenses ...its closer than you think!

Thats the fascinating part out the way, now for the terrifying. With all this data being connected to one another it stands to reason that with this, security will be at an all time low. With more and more ways for hackers to access information is IoT really a step in the right direction? For example, in 2016 malware was prominent within the IoT spectrum. This malware had the ability to, "access the IoT devices by using default usernames and passwords and then make them eligible for DDoS attacks. The attack in 2016 flooded one of the largest operating websites in the world. This malware makes code accessibility easy and this code can be altered by anyone" (Albert, C.,2018). The more open connections we have to the internet, the more likely our date, privacy and important information will be taken. The question we have to ask ourselves is, is the internet of things really worth it?
Albert, C. (2018, April 06). Next big things in IoT predictions for 2020. Retrieved October 19, 2018, from
Morgan, J. (2017, April 20). A Simple Explanation Of 'The Internet Of Things'. Retrieved October 19, 2018, from
Scott, A. (2017, June 19). Eight ways the Internet of Things will change the way we live and work. Retrieved October 19, 2018, from

Thomas Coombes

Monday, October 8, 2018

The story of watches, spying phones and saving lives.

Even though Internet of Things (IoT) has recently became popular in the public sphere, it is not a new concept. IoT dates back to the 1980's where speculations about automation were rampant. Recently I was at a coffee shop and I overheard a conversation between a couple of students. It followed something like this:

Student A: I was just talking about getting a new pillow and today I saw an ad on Instagram about pillows...It was so freaky.

Student B: It is so crazy, it has happened to me too.

While I am sure that it was purely coincidental, it got me thinking about what our future might look like with devices that share information regularly. We can look at IoT from an economic perspective or a social perspective if we want to clearly identify the different outcomes of IoT. But for the purpose of this post, I will keep it blended and try to give you a broader idea of the implications of IoT.

Let me start with the security concern. A lot of people talk about the government spying on us and your phones listening to you. It is not an uncommon scene today to find people covering their webcams with a tape. People deeply foster the belief that they are being spied on whether by the government or some big money hungry corporation. What most people don't realize that this has little to do with IoT and the concept itself. For example, most people explicitly consent to the terms and condition of most services they use and they will have to share some degree of data to make the user experience better. If the same data is used to market products to you should have read "Terms of Agreement" more closely rather than blaming integration of data across platforms. IoT is bound to increase exponentially and people should start to get used to this technology. Sure there will be unforeseen effects of it that are honestly beyond our comprehension. Take social media for example, who would have imagined that this same platform for sharing music and pictures would be the most influential campaigning platform for politicians...the examples go on and on. But let us also not forget the positive things that social media has contributed to as well. The same goes for IoT. The newly released apple watch is a great example of a wearable tech that can potentially save many lives. Among all the new glossy features of Apple watch, the fall detection and EKG feature stand out. By 2020, Apple projects to have 31 million watches being used by people. Even if it saves 1% of the entire population through EKG and/or fall detection, it will save about 310,000 people. Now let's use this fact in a moral debate, how much of our information are we willing to give up to save lives?


Shyer Amin